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Make  It  Happen!

The South Parsons Avenue area is known for its degradation, corruption, and frivolous style of living.  According to Mark 2:11, "Healthy people don't need a doctor; sick people do.  I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners."  Consequently, for the past several years Assembly of Faith Church has been a spiritual hospital for this community of people.  We have various outreach ministries that demonstrate and reflect the love of Jesus Christ for all people.


It is the heart and vision of Bishop Marvin C. Bozeman to bring emotional, psychological, spiritual healing and wholeness to this communality, so that individuals will begin to view their own lives according to God’s original intent for their lives.


‘Make it Happen’ entails and revolves around our desire to offer addiction counseling, individual and/or group counseling, and provide support groups in order to help people overcome addiction(s) and to navigate life’s countless transitions and obstacles.  We also desire a youth facility to encourage education, to teach life skills, resume writing, and other various forms of training.  Assembly of Faith currently has several outreach ministries, such as 'Syl’s Soup Kitchen', where we feed the community (soup and sandwiches), provide free coats and clothing.  


During the holidays, AOF feeds and serves the community by providing an annual Thanksgiving dinner to the community, whereby a superb meal is provided, and the love of Christ is demonstrated.  There is also an annual Christmas program where the community is invited and whereby various festivities take place, including the annual distribution of 'Toys for Tots'.  During such times, the community is in one place and we are all on one accord.  Of course, all are always welcome to attend weekly services.


Assembly of Faith can be found in the community, praying, and witnessing about "The One" who is able to bring about permanent change.  It is our goal to develop a facility that meets all the needs within the community by expanding and continually serving the people of God at our current facility located within our community.


Why not consider being a part of what God is doing on Parson's Avenue, on the south side of Columbus?  


From the heart of Bishop Bozeman and the entire Assembly of Faith Church - please help us to 

“Make it Happen!”

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